AI Test Center

This one is tricky - and most usefull! ! !


Save gamelists

Save gamelists (only enabled while a game is being played) Here you can save the current game! This is not ment as a save game feature (which it isn't - since no game stats are saved), this is ment for debugging purposes. The game lists are saved to disk in a special location. No state information is saved, this means, no damage, no bufs no ongoing spells not tap state etc. A complete set of gamelist constists of following sublists:

Start match with gamelist

Here you can start the game with the above saved lists. The game will automatically be in "DebugMode" which means you see all cards (amongst other things). The game is treated as a "new Game", meaning since the save of lists is stateless, you start of with life as a new player. Upon selecting this menuitem following dialog will appear:

Start a saved state

  1. Select the state you would like to load

  2. select the AI for player two (on the top of the screen)

  3. If you don't want to control player 1 you can chose an AI for that one too, check the checkbox and select a player

  4. usually Player 1 is the one on the bottom part of the screen and the start player, you can switch player positions be using the checkbox.

  5. you can select the health a player has, this is important to recreate certain effects, since the behaviour of an AI might depend on the healths of the game participants

  6. you can select if the starting player draws a card

  7. you can set a seed to the RAND method used (some events are random, thus this is also important to ensure correct debug settings! The Seed for each autosave file is reported in the debug log!)

  8. press Ok and the game will start with the saved lists

  9. and replay again and again a situation you might need to debug :-)

  10. yes that happens at least during card, ai and game development :-)

Edit gamelist as AI deck

This one is nice an tricky too. In order to replay certain scenes, you might want to change the gamelists you saved. E.g. that Fire Dragon player 1 just played went astray - and you would like to remove it from the creature list and add it again to the hand list - to have exactly the same situation... this is your chance than!

The gamelists itself are saved in a "deck" format. So I reused the deck editor - you know it - don't you? On the left side are all available cards on the right side the current deck (in this case the game list). Here is what it looks like:

State deck edit

The items of a list on the bottom are the ones "on top" of a stack. Meaning the next drawn library card is the one on the bottom left list. Here is a problem: Drawback: