Phase information panel

On these panel and its folders you can get information in what phase you are currently in. What the game currently is doing and what is expected of you, along with some help information regarding the current context.

Phase information

Phase information

Here you can see:

  1. Phase:

    1. The number represents the number of rounds already played (each player round counts, meaning if you did a complete turn an your opponent did a complete turn, that rounds played is 2)

    2. The name of the phase the game is currently in.

  2. Step:

    If the phase has several steps, here the step name will appear.

  3. Stack size:

    If some cards are on the stack - well the number will be greater than 0. This is relevant in the way, that creatures, sorceries and lands can only be played when there is nothing on the stack. Actually only instants might be playable when stack is anything else than 0.

  4. Players turn:

    Well the players whose turn it is.

  5. Player active:

    In opposite to players turn, this might change every view steps, since the opponent is allways allowed to react to your doings. Nearly each action you do will allow the opponent an active window where he has the opportunity to cast an instant.

  6. Communication expected:

    Well, if the match wants to have some input from the player. Like Mana must be payed or pointing a defender to an attacker, chosing a card to discard etc...

    If a communication is expected a small message what communication is expected will appear just below.

  7. A small generel message what the game currently expects the players to do.

Log Panel

This is actually a small version of the log panel, which can also be found in the help menu. Might be a bit TO small.

Debug Panel

This is actually a small version of the debug panel, which can also be found in the help menu. Might be a bit TO small.


This gives you a small help text about the game phase / situation you are in. This changes depending of the situation/phase....

Phase help