Tap King's Assassin

/ / TAPPING King's Assassin start
int debugLevel = 3;
D.addLog("4227: Tap card start: "+card,debugLevel);

if (match.getPhase() != match.PHASE COMBAT DECLARE ATTACKERS )
           / / only during attackers phase
           reason ="Only tap in Attackphase";
           D.addLog("4227: "+reason+" "+card,debugLevel);
           D.addLog("4227: Tap card end: "+card,debugLevel);
           bRet = true;

D.addLog("4227: Maybe: " +maybeTaken,debugLevel);
if (maybeTaken)
           D.addLog("4227: No creature selected to destroy, tapping anyway!",debugLevel);
           bRet = true;
           D.addLog("4227: Played Tap end: "+card,debugLevel);

if (targetCard == null)
           / / ask to select a target creature
           D.addLog("4227: King's Assassin, chose a creature to destroy.",debugLevel);
           match.askForCreatureTappedFromOpponentCreature(player, card, ev);
           match.setPlayerCardMessage(player,"Select a tapped creature to go to the graveyard");
           reason="Select a tapped creature";

D.addLog("4227: Player selected a creature to destroy: "+targetCard, debugLevel);

match.moveCardFromCreatureToGraveyard(match.getOwner(targetCard), targetCard);
L.addLog("King's Assassin destroyed: "+targetCard);
bRet = true;

D.addLog("4227: Played Tap end: "+card,debugLevel);
/ / TAPPING King's Assassin end