I play a game and suddenly a "PAUSE" is displayed. what does it mean?

The game does not respond anymore, what happend?

I would like to play in Fullscreen, but the menuitem is grayed out?

I have a Mac and switched to fullscreen. But I can't access the menus anymore - HELP!

The game wants me to search the library/graveyard, how can I do that?

I like linux and have downloaded the game. But the installer quits with an error message, why?

In Player mode, I can only access Set XY. But I downloaded all supported sets, why?

What are the "adresses?


I play a game and suddenly a "PAUSE" is displayed. what does it mean?

This is a "little bit bad". It means there was some error in AI or card scripting. The game automatically pauses if in exception is thrown. You can look at the debug output to find out where exactly the exception was thrown. If you are advanturous you can try to fix the corresponding script (remember to clear the script caches afterwards - otherwise the game will not re-read the scripts). In some cases the debug window might not display all information for an exception. In that case a look in the newest log file might help. The log is allways "more" up to date than the display.

You can unpause the game by "ALT/RIGHT"-clicking any card-image. (BTW. you can also pause the game by "ALT/RIGHT"-clicking) Or using the pause menu-checkbox und "game". (At the moment a low priority bug exists, the gui-pause button is not updated when an exception occurs, to unpause you have to toggle the menu item twice!)

After "unpausing" the game continues. If the cause of the exception was not fixed - the game might pause again, if it reaches the same script again...

The game does not respond anymore, what happend?

This is more serious. Most probably again something in AI code went astray and for some reason or another AI hangs in an endless loop. As of Version 1.2 I implemented technical mechanisms to have AI watched what it does and this SHOULD not happen. All you can do is quit the game and remember exactly what kind of game situation you were in and have Malban fix it. (Screenshot, Log-Files...)


I would like to play in Fullscreen, but the menuitem is grayed out?

Sorry, seems like your operating system does not support fullscreen, at least that is what the device information of java says.

I have a Mac and switched to fullscreen. But I can't access the menus anymore - HELP!

As it is, JPortal doesn't work on mac n fullscreen, but the solution is simple. Mac has an unique menu system (on the top of the screen and not one menu for each window as windows and linux), and java use it. So, starting in fullscreen make this menu disapears and so, it's impossible to use the software. I believe that if it starts in a window, the problem is solved and the program will be complete compatible! To fix JPortal once you can't access the menu do the following:

under JPortal directory, edit the file:


change the line:

Than JPortal will start in window mode.


The game wants me to search the library, how can I do that?

You SHIFT/RIGHT click the library/graveyard, it opens up. Now look at the cards and click the one you want to chose. SHIFT/RIGHT click again, to "close" the library. This method also works for the graveyard.

In Player mode, I can only access set XY. But I downloaded all supported sets, why?

You have to do some quests! E.g. to be able to access the second beginners set you have to complete the ladder quests series. As a final reward you will get the first booster of the second set. In the shop you are only allowed to buy boosters from sets you already have in your deck - so you must get a card of a new set from "somewhere" - which in JPortal means a quest!


I like linux and have downloaded the game. But the installer quits with an error message.

You most probably have a Debian or an Ubuntu Linux installation. Both of them come usually with Gnu Java. JPortal requires Sun Java at least 1.6 to run. I am sorry - please install sun Java - that should work allright.


What are the "adresses?

Homepage: http://jportalgame.de
Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jportaltgc/
Bugtracking: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/jportaltgc/main_page.php
Forum: http:/ /www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=80
eMail: admin@jportalgame.de