
This is a section which automats stuff while playing. Making the game less clickable and thus better playable.

Actually these settings are not a match settings, but a human player interface setting, since the match doesn´t do the passing, its the HumanPlayer-class internally.

The section is diveded into two sub categories:

  1. Stack stuff

  2. "auto" - stuff

Automation switches

Stack stuff

These are settings whether passing a stack request should be done "automatically" or done by "clicking". The (official MTG-) rules say that at almost all phases you can play an instant. To be able to do that well you must be given the opportunity to do so. But giving this opportunity also means asking you what todo, and asking usually means that one expects an answer.

An answer in a computer game very often is a mouseclick. So asking at every possible location for a instant cast is very tedious for the player. And for the now implemented portal set not even does it make sense, since cards that might be asked for do not even exist.

In the picture shown above are the current default settings, which make a great deal of sense.

Short comments:


These settings in general make the game even less clicky. These are automations which save "stupid" questions. Like "please untap creatures" (even if there is nothing to untap).

I hope the names of the checkboxes are more or less self describing. Here a few bullit words: