Strategy Settings

An AI may support strategy settings. At the moment only the "Allround" AI supports these settings. They are used by the named AI's. As you will see in the next chapter.

Strategy settings

As you can see while looking at the image this is quite self explanatory. The programmer of the AI is responsible for respecting this setttings and enabling the AI to actually behave the way the configuration is set.

The settings can be freely named and saved. These settings will appear with their names in the named-AI section.

Allound AI


  1. Settings of 0 or 10 are extreme settings! In Allround AI the behaviour might vary greatly when using extremes.

  2. Mood - if set wide into defensive an AI will require quite an "overhead" of creatures befor it starts to attack! Even obvious attacks!

  3. Spell activity, if set low the AI might chose for some cards that casting is an utter waste of time, and sit on their spells

  4. an intelligent AI makes surpisingly few mistakes. If an AI commits suicide or damages own creatures or damages a strong rather than killing a weak creature, it most certainly is because intelligence is below 10. It is not a fault of the program it is intended to work that way - there ARE stupid people and stupid AI's arround!
    (Well - certainly there also might be something wrong in AI coding :-) )

  5. Since combos are not really relevant with portal - these are at the moment not used.