Configure AI

This is the place where the "base" AI (in opposite to named AI) is configured. Here each game situation is listed and a java-Bean script must be set for each such situation. At the moment of writing only two instances of AI exist. These are:

Where simple was only built for testing purposes. The thought behind the window layout was to provide an editing playground for scripting. But since the scripting was more than I first thouhgt it would be - you only look here for very small scripts. Like "WANT MULLIGAN":

AI-Battle summary

You can access the different situation keys via the ComboBox labeled (surprise!) "Situation Key" You can script the complete AI in this window - but it is hardly very well manageable. For that reason I implemented an "#include" mechanism in the scripts you can write.

If you for example open the situation key "DECLARE ATTACKERS" you will find the folllowing few lines:

/ /#import ""


The script engine will look for the character sequence "/ /#import" and will try to import the java file denoted by the following string within the filesystem. That way you can use any editor you like for the main scripting and just do an import within the game. This might not be the best solution, but it works and right now I am not about to change it.

The other settings within this window will be explained in the "Card" section (not done yet hehehe) since its exactly the same.